Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Road ID Wrist ID Bracelet – Product Review and Giveaway

Over the past couple months, I have become a member of the running community. My husband Fred and I have completed multiple marathons and half marathons since May 2008 (the first was in Cleveland), but we always walked them – until recently. We completed the Crim 10 Mile Race in Flint MI in August; Fred ran the entire distance; I ran about 70% (sorry, Coach Suzi!....).

During my time around marathoners, I have noticed that many of them wear a Road ID product. Road ID is a company based out of Kentucky that manufactures high-quality ID items for runners, cyclists, etc... Their product line includes the Wrist ID Sport, the Wrist ID Elite, the Shoe ID, the Ankle ID, the Shoe Pouch ID, and the Fix ID. In addition, they also have Firefly products, which are high visibility items (such as lights and reflective items) to be used at night. They also have apparel such as cycling jerseys, tech shirts, bib shorts, tri tops and a race hat – really lovely stuff!  

I did some research into the company, and like what I learned! I decided to become an affiliate of the company (you would be kind to order through this link).

I was inspired by the story of how they started their company, and why (from their website):

The inspiration for Road ID was born in the fall of 1999. For my father, the inspiration was his concern for me as I trained for my first marathon. For me, the inspiration was a black, King Kong size pick-up truck that I nearly came face to face with on a long Saturday run.

Earlier that fall, I began training for my first marathon. My father worried about me logging all those miles and would often tell me to “be safe.” One day, he suggested that I carry an ID so that he could be notified if I had an accident while training. Of course, I dismissed that suggestion. I thought: “What could possibly happen to me while running?”

So, there I was, in a ditch, on the side of the road, having nearly been hit by the aforementioned pick-up truck. From that ditch, my father’s suggestion to carry ID started to make a tremendous amount of sense.

Luckily I was OK. But, what if the truck had hit me? I would have been rushed to the local hospital as “John Doe.” Without proper ID, family members and friends could NOT be contacted. Likewise, my Medical records could NOT be accessed at the hospital. How long would I lay there unidentified? This freaked me out. 

A few months later, from my father’s damp basement, he and I launched Road ID. To us, Road ID has always been far more than a business. We are on a mission to save lives.

Since 1999, we have received countless thank you letters and emails from customers that have used their Road ID in accident situations. Many of these customers say they might not be alive today if it weren’t for their Road ID. You can view some of these stories on our testimonial page.

My father, our entire crew, and I place upon our shoulders the responsibility to educate all outdoor enthusiasts about the vital importance of ID. We hope to make you a customer. More importantly, we hope that you will help us spread the word about Road ID. 

Be safe out there – and don’t forget to tell your friends and family about Road ID. 

Mike Wimmer (father) and Edward Wimmer (son)

Shortly after I became an affiliate, a representative from the company contacted me to see if I would be interested in reviewing one of the products, and hosting a giveaway here. Would I?! So here we are!

I decided to order the Wrist ID Sport; it comes in black, blue, red, pink, yellow and purple. I chose one of my favorite colors, purple! Here is its description from the company website:

This good looking fella is extremely durable and comfortable…and just might save your life someday. Wear it running, cycling, swimming or any of your adventures.

How could you not love a description like that?!

It arrived in the mail at the end of last week. I have worn it with regularity both on runs and just during my regular life. It is terrific – and potentially life-saving! It is very durable, and quite attractive looking for a sports product! I highly recommend these products to you and yours who lead an active lifestyle (and even to those who are not so active!).

As stated, the company provided me a product code which gives the winner a credit of $31.50 toward any merchandise on their website.


There are several ways to gain entry:

1) Leave a comment here on the blog, taking a look at their website and telling me which product is of most interest to you. Please make sure to leave your email address in this format – sample[at]gmail[dot]com.

2) Follow me on Twitter; I will more than likely follow you back!  If you are already a Twitter follower, that counts, too!  Please leave a new comment to that effect.

3) Follow me as a Google Friend on this blog; if you are already a Friend, that counts, too!  Please leave a new comment to that effect.

4) Become my Facebook friend.  Please leave a new comment to that effect.

5) Follow this blog as a NetWorked Blog Follower after you’ve become my Facebook friend.  Please leave a new comment to that effect.

So there are five chances to enter!  Please limit one entry per option.

The deadline for entry is Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. EST.  A winner will be chosen via the Random Number Generator on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 and will be contacted via email.  The best to all of you!

This products and its giveaway was provided by Road ID for review and publicity purposes. 


  1. Andrea, thanks for sharing this website! I love the bracelets. I think it would be a great idea for kids. As my son is now walking home from school. I love the idea of him wearing something like this.
    I think we're friends on Google, I get your updates on Buzz.

    Again thanks for sharing.

  2. Andrea,
    I have looked at the Road ID items and thought about getting one. Thanks for sharing your insight. I would use the shoe ID for running.


  3. I've always thought about getting one but never got around to it. I bike and run in relatively remote areas so really should stop making excuses and get one regardless of whether I win the giveaway - the elite looks pretty good and looks like something you could easily wear anywhere. Thanks Andy - adsutton[at]hotmail[dot]com

  4. Hi Andy -

    Thanks for dropping by! I love mine! If the Random Number Generator does not choose you, I hope you will order through the widget on this blog!

    They have some awesome items! And I love my purple one; it's like a piece of jewelry in addition to a potential lifesaver!

    Blessings -


  5. Hi Andrea, that was what I was thinking, the Elite looks pretty normal and is something I could probably get in the habit of wearing every day, even to work. The last thing I'd want to do is forget it on a ride or a run. Thanks for the help, fingers crossed! Andy
